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Whether you need a relaxing massage or long-term rehab after surgery, at Eclipse Rehab & Performance, we make sure our patients play an active role in their recovery so they can remain pain-free once treatment ends.

We are based in Slough at The Gym Group Slough


Initial Assessment & Diagnosis

A detailed subjective and objective examination is used to identify the root cause of pain followed by an appropriate treatment plan.


Injury Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is about showing the patient how much they can do for themselves.

Let us work with you and personally coach you through your injury recovery on a 1-1 or online basis.



Sports Massage

This may include use of Muscle Energy techniques, soft tissue release, frictions and Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM). We offer a range of durations to suit the patient from 30 - 90 minutes.


TENS & EMS therapy

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low voltage electrical current to provide pain relief. 
Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) stimulates a muscle contraction using electrical impulses in order strengthen weak muscles, reduce swelling, relieve pain and help heal wounds.


Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture involves inserting needles into trigger points to relieve pain and restricted range of motion. Stimulating sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles causes a twitch and relaxation response as well as producing natural substances, such as pain-relieving endorphins.


Dry Cupping

Cupping increases blood circulation helping to draw in oxygen rich blood and nutrients to damaged tissue


Sports Taping

Increase blood flow in the injured area, athletic tape decreases swelling which alleviates pain.


Recovery boots

Fresher legs faster, with our pneumatic compression boots, which are available for hire.


 Virtual Rehab - Phone app

After having a brief consultation we can design and programme a range of exercises for you to follow and recover. 
All through our rehab app.

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